Coffee 9:45AM

Join us Sunday mornings before the service for a hot beverage and get to know some of the other young families at our church. We love guests and we would love to connect!

Worship & Bible Teaching

At 10:30AM all generations come together in our main auditorium to worship God. We lift our hands in worship and give back to God with thankful hearts. We also hear Biblical teaching and allow God to change us from the inside out.


Sunday mornings we have prayer at 9AM downstairs in the prayer room. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join. We also have prayer Wednesday mornings at 10AM and Saturday evenings at 7PM.

Kids Church

Around 10:45AM children from birth up to Grade 7 are invited downstairs for their own worship service. Children participate in games, worship songs, crafts and creative Bible teaching.


At the back of our main auditorium you'll find a Connect Desk. We would love to get to know you and give you a gift just for showing up! You can pick up calendars here, order church merch, or ask any questions you may have.